Carers Support

Are You a Carer?

If you are please let us know - we may be able to help you.

Click here for more Practice information.

Click here for NHS information about support and benefits for carers

Nottinghamshire Care Services Directory 2025


The form can be completed either by Carer or Professional online:

Nottinghamshire County Council - Emergency Card for Carers


What is an emergency card for carers? 

An emergency card for carers identifies you as a carer in the event of an emergency. The card does not give any personal information, but provides a phone number anyone can call. Staff answering the phone will take any action you have agreed with us like: 

  • contact family/friends to let them know there is an emergency 
  • visit the person you care for and arrange emergency help. 


Why do I need an emergency card? 

In the event of an emergency you will have: 

  • emergency cover 24 hours a day
  • peace of mind that in the event of an emergency the person you care for will be looked after.


Who can apply for a card? 

You can apply for an emergency card if you are: 

  • a carer
  • a cared for person living in Nottinghamshire (excluding Nottingham City) and over 18 years-old.


Call to obtain – 0300 500 8080